How to Care for Indoor Plants in Winter

As the winter season sets in, our beloved indoor plants require a little extra TLC to brave the chilly temperatures and thrive throughout the colder months. Whether you’re a seasoned green thumb or just beginning your journey into the world of indoor gardening, it’s essential to understand the unique needs of our precious potted companions.  

Let’s delve into the art of caring for indoor plants in winter. This guide can help you maintain healthy indoor plants and keep those flowering plants and tropical treasures looking their best.  

By following these tips and tricks, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and skills to ensure your indoor plants not only survive but thrive, even when the weather outside may be less than ideal. So, let’s dive in and unlock the secrets to nurturing healthy indoor plants all winter long! 

Understanding the Needs of Indoor Plants in Winter

Indoor plants not only add beauty and a touch of nature to our homes but also provide numerous health benefits. During the winter months, however, caring for indoor plants can become more challenging due to reduced daylight hours, lower temperatures, and drier air. To ensure the well-being and vitality of your indoor plants throughout the winter season, it is crucial to understand their specific needs and make appropriate adjustments.

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Light Requirements

One of the primary challenges for indoor plants during winter is the decreased availability of natural sunlight. Many tropical plants thrive in bright light conditions. However, with shorter days and lower sun angles, it becomes essential to adjust their light requirements accordingly.

Understanding Low-light Conditions

During winter, the amount of direct sunlight reaching your indoor plants decreases significantly. Consequently, you may need to relocate plants that require more light to a sunnier window or provide additional artificial lighting. Most houseplants can adapt to lower light conditions, but some may require more attention and care.

Adjusting to Reduced Daylight Hours

One of the primary challenges for indoor plants during winter is the decreased availability of natural sunlight. Apart from reduced daylight hours, lower temperatures can also affect their growth rate. Providing adequate artificial lighting, such as full-spectrum grow lights, can help compensate for the lack of natural sunlight.

Supplementing with Artificial Light

To compensate for the reduced daylight hours, you can supplement your indoor plants with artificial lighting. LED grow lights are an excellent option as they provide a full spectrum of light that mimics natural sunlight. Place the lights close to the plants and keep them on for 10-12 hours per day to ensure proper growth and development.

Temperature and Humidity Considerations

Optimal Temperature Range 

Maintaining the right temperature is crucial for the health and growth of indoor plants during winter. Most indoor plants prefer temperatures between 15-24°C. However, it is important to note that different plant species may have specific temperature preferences, so it’s advisable to research the specific needs of your plants. 

Avoiding Drafts and Cold Spots 

Cold drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations can be detrimental to indoor plants, especially tropical ones. Ensure that your plants are kept away from drafty windows, doors, and vents. If necessary, use weatherstripping or draft stoppers to minimise cold air infiltration. Also avoid placing plants near radiators or heating vents, as the hot air can dry out the foliage and soil. 

Maintaining Appropriate Humidity Levels 

During winter, the air indoors tends to be drier due to heating systems and lower humidity levels. To maintain optimal humidity for your plants, consider the following tips: 

  • Group plants together: When plants are placed close to each other, they create a microclimate of higher humidity through transpiration. This can benefit both tropical and non-tropical plants. 
  • Use a humidifier: If the air in your home is excessively dry, using a humidifier can help raise the humidity levels around your plants. 
  • Mist the foliage: Lightly misting the leaves of your indoor plants can provide temporary relief from dry air. However, avoid misting plants with hairy or fuzzy leaves, as it can promote fungal growth. 

Common Indoor Plants and Their Winter Needs

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1. Tropical Plants

Tropical plants are popular choices for indoor gardening due to their lush foliage and vibrant flowers. However, they often require higher levels of humidity and warmth. Some common tropical houseplants include the Monstera deliciosa (Swiss cheese plant), Calathea, and Anthurium.

  • Light requirements: Tropical plants generally thrive in bright, indirect light. Place them near a well-lit window, but avoid direct sunlight, as it can scorch their leaves.
  • Temperature and humidity: Most tropical plants prefer temperatures above 18°C and thrive in higher humidity levels, ideally between 50-60%. It’s important to provide them with consistent warmth and moisture during winter.

To meet the needs of tropical plants during winter: 

  • Consider using a humidifier to maintain adequate humidity levels in the room where your plants are located. 
  • Group tropical plants together to create a microclimate of higher humidity. 
  • Avoid placing tropical plants near cold windows or drafts that can expose them to chilly temperatures. 
  • Monitor the soil moisture regularly and water when the top inch of the soil feels dry to the touch. 

2. Low-light Plants 

Certain indoor plants are better suited for low-light conditions and can thrive even with limited sunlight. These plants are excellent choices for rooms with minimal natural light or areas away from windows. 

Some common low-light indoor plants include the Snake Plant, ZZ Plant, and Pothos. 

  • Light requirements: Low-light plants can tolerate and even thrive in environments with less direct sunlight. They can be placed in areas with indirect or filtered light, away from direct sunlight. 
  • Temperature and humidity: Low-light plants generally have temperature and humidity requirements similar to other indoor plants. It’s essential to maintain appropriate temperature ranges and humidity levels to keep them healthy. 

3. Succulents and Cacti 

Succulents and cacti are popular choices for indoor gardening due to their unique shapes and low-maintenance nature. These plants have adapted to survive in arid environments and have specific care requirements during winter. 

  • Light requirements: Succulents and cacti typically require bright light, preferably direct sunlight. During winter, place them near a south-facing window to provide them with the maximum sunlight available. 
  • Temperature and humidity: Most succulents and cacti prefer cooler temperatures during winter, ranging from 10-15°C. They can tolerate drier conditions, so it’s crucial to avoid overwatering them. Allow the soil to dry out between watering sessions to prevent root rot. 

Watering and Moisture Control

Proper watering and moisture control are crucial aspects of caring for indoor plants during the winter months. Adjusting watering frequency, managing humidity levels, and ensuring the quality and temperature of the water are essential for maintaining healthy plants. Here are some effective techniques for watering and moisture control to help your indoor plants thrive throughout the winter season. 

indoor plants in pots

Adjusting Watering Frequency

  1. Monitoring soil moisture levels: Regularly monitoring the moisture level of the potting soil is essential to determine when to water indoor plants. While some plants prefer slightly drier conditions, others thrive in consistently moist soil. Use your fingers or a moisture meter to assess the moisture level in the soil.
  2. Preventing overwatering and root rot: Overwatering is a common mistake made by indoor gardeners. It is crucial to avoid keeping the potting soil excessively wet, as this can lead to root rot and other moisture-related issues. If the soil feels wet or looks dark and soaked, refrain from watering until it has dried out.
  3. Understand your plants’ water needs: Different plants have varying water requirements. Research the specific needs of each indoor plant you own, considering factors such as the size of the pot, the type of soil used, and the plant’s natural habitat.
  4. Check for drainage holes: Ensure that your potted plants have proper drainage holes. These holes prevent water from accumulating at the bottom of the pot, which can lead to root rot and other moisture-related issues. If your pot doesn’t have drainage holes, consider transferring the plant to a pot that does or use a layer of gravel at the bottom to facilitate drainage.
  5. Water sparingly: Indoor plants generally require less water during winter due to the reduced evaporation rate. Before watering, check the moisture level of the soil by sticking your finger about an inch into it. If it feels dry, it’s time to water. Be cautious not to overwater, as this can promote the growth of fungus gnats and cause root rot.
  6. Use room temperature water: Avoid using cold water from the tap, as it can shock the plants. Instead, allow the water to reach room temperature before watering your indoor plants.
  7. Consider humidity levels: Indoor environments tend to have drier air during winter due to heating systems. To compensate for this, consider placing a tray filled with water near your plants or using a humidifier to maintain adequate humidity levels.

Managing Humidity Levels

  1. Using humidifiers or pebble trays: Indoor plants often struggle with low humidity levels during winter when heating systems dry the air. To combat this, consider using a humidifier to increase the moisture content in the surrounding air. Alternatively, place a tray filled with pebbles and water beneath the plant’s pot. As the water evaporates, it creates a humid microenvironment around the plant.
  2. Misting leaves (if appropriate): Some plants benefit from misting their leaves to increase humidity. However, it is important to check the specific needs of each plant, as not all plants tolerate misting. Lightly mist the leaves of plants that thrive in high humidity, ensuring not to soak them completely.

Water Quality and Temperature

  1. Avoiding cold water shock: Using cold water straight from the tap can shock the plant’s roots, especially during the winter months. Allow the water to reach room temperature before watering your indoor plants. This prevents temperature stress and supports healthy growth.
  2. Using filtered or distilled water: Depending on your water source, tap water may contain minerals or chemicals that can harm indoor plants over time. Using filtered or distilled water eliminates these potential issues, ensuring that your plants receive the best quality water.

Winter Indoor Plant Fertilising and Nutrient Requirements

During the winter months, many indoor plants enter a period of dormancy. This means their growth slows down, and they require fewer nutrients than during the active growing season. Understanding the dormancy patterns of your potted plants is essential for providing them with the appropriate care. 

client image indoor office plants

Adjusting Fertilisation Frequency 

  1. Decreasing fertiliser application: Since indoor plants require fewer nutrients during winter, it is important to reduce the frequency of fertilisation. Typically, a good practice is to fertilise potted plants once every two to three months instead of the regular monthly application. This adjustment prevents the buildup of excess salts in the soil, which can be harmful to the plants. 
  2. Using a diluted solution: When you do fertilise your indoor plants during winter, it is advisable to use a diluted fertiliser solution. This ensures that the plants receive the necessary nutrients without overwhelming them. Dilute the fertiliser according to the package instructions, usually using half the recommended strength. 

 Choosing the Right Fertiliser Type 

  1. Balanced formulations: When selecting a fertiliser for your indoor plants, opt for balanced formulations that provide equal amounts of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K). These nutrients support overall plant health and development, even during the dormant period. 
  2. Micronutrient supplements (if needed): Certain indoor plants may have specific nutrient requirements, especially during the winter months. If you notice any nutrient deficiencies in your plants, such as pale or light green leaves, consider using micronutrient supplements. These supplements provide trace elements like iron, zinc, and manganese that are crucial for the healthy growth of different plants. 

Pests and Diseases Prevention for Winter Indoor Plants

The cozy environment of our homes can also attract pests and diseases that can harm our cherished indoor plants. To ensure the well-being and longevity of our winter indoor plants, it is crucial to take proactive measures to prevent houseplant pests and diseases. 

Best low light indoor plants

Recognising Common Winter Pests 

  1. Aphids, spider mites, and mealybugs: These small insects are notorious for infesting indoor plants during the winter. Look out for sticky residue, curled leaves, and tiny webs as signs of their presence. 
  2. Fungus gnats: These tiny flying insects are attracted to damp soil and can cause damage to the plant’s root system. Yellowing leaves and soil that remains consistently moist are indicators of their infestation. 
  3. Scale insects: These pests attach themselves to stems and leaves, sucking the sap from the plant. Look for small bumps or shell-like coverings on the plant’s surface. 

Maintaining a Clean Environment 

  1. Start with clean pots and soil: When bringing new plants indoors, ensure that they are free from pests and diseases. Quarantine new additions for a few days to monitor their health before integrating them with other plants. 
  2. Regularly clean and dust plants: Dust on leaves can hinder photosynthesis and create a conducive environment for pests. Gently wipe the leaves with a damp cloth or use a soft brush to remove dust. 
  3. Keep the surroundings clean: Fallen leaves, dead plant matter, and debris can harbour pests and diseases. Regularly sweep and clean the area around the plants to discourage infestations. 

Inspecting Plants Regularly 

  1. Check for signs of infestation: Examine the leaves, stems, and soil for any indications of pests or diseases. Look for discolouration, spots, webbing, or unusual growth patterns. 
  2. Monitor plant health: Observe changes in your indoor plants’ overall health. If a plant is not thriving despite proper care, it could be an indication of an underlying pest or disease problem. 

Taking Preventive Measures 

  1. Ensure proper watering: As we have mentioned overwatering can lead to root rot, which weakens plants and makes them more susceptible to pests and diseases. Allow the top layer of soil to dry out between waterings, ensuring the plant’s roots have adequate oxygen. 
  2. Enhance air circulation: Proper airflow helps prevent the buildup of excess moisture and minimises the risk of fungal diseases. Avoid overcrowding plants and consider using fans or opening windows periodically to improve ventilation. 
  3. Use organic insecticides and fungicides: When necessary, opt for natural solutions to combat pests and diseases. Neem oil, insecticidal soaps, and homemade remedies like garlic or chilli pepper sprays can be effective in controlling infestations while minimising harm to the plant and its natural environment. 
  4. Encourage beneficial insects: Introduce beneficial insects such as ladybugs or lacewings that feed on pests like aphids and mites. They can help maintain a balance in your indoor garden ecosystem. 

Pruning and Maintenance

Pruning and maintenance play an essential role in promoting growth, preventing disease, and maintaining the overall appearance of your plants. 


Pruning during Dormancy 

Pruning during the dormancy period is vital for the overall well-being of your indoor plants. It allows them to conserve energy and directs growth to areas that need it most. Begin by examining your plants closely, looking for any signs of damage, disease, or excessive growth.  

With a pair of sharp and clean pruning shears, carefully trim away any dead or decaying branches. Be sure to make clean cuts just above a leaf node or bud. 

Removing Dead or Yellowing Leaves 

As winter progresses, you may notice that some leaves on your indoor plants turn yellow or wither. It is essential to remove these leaves promptly as they can serve as a breeding ground for pests or diseases.  

Gently pluck off any yellowing or dead leaves, starting from the base of the stem and working your way up. This not only enhances the appearance of your plants but also promotes better air circulation and prevents the spread of potential issues. 

Promoting Bushier Growth 

To encourage bushier growth and fuller foliage, consider using pruning techniques that stimulate branching. Pinching back the tips of your indoor plants can help redirect growth hormones to the lateral buds, resulting in a denser and more compact appearance.  

Focus on plants that tend to grow leggy, such as common indoor plants like spider plants, pothos, or philodendrons. By pinching off the topmost portion of the stem, you can promote the growth of side shoots and create a more robust plant structure. 

Cleaning Plant Foliage 

During the winter months, indoor plants are susceptible to dust accumulation on their foliage. Dust can hinder their ability to photosynthesise efficiently and restrict the absorption of light. Regularly cleaning the leaves of your indoor plants helps remove dust and promotes better plant health.  

Gently wipe the leaves with a soft, damp cloth or give them a gentle shower under lukewarm water. Avoid using any harsh chemicals or cold water, as they may damage the delicate foliage. 

Seasonal Transitions and Reintroduction to Outdoors

As winter gives way to the early signs of spring, it becomes an exciting time for both gardeners and indoor plant enthusiasts to prepare for the seasonal transitions and reintroduce their beloved houseplants to the outdoors. This process requires careful consideration and attention to ensure the health and well-being of the plants. Here are some steps to help you prepare your potted plants for this transition. 

  1. Assess plant health: Before moving your indoor plants outside, evaluate their overall health. Ensure they are free from pests, diseases, or any other issues that could potentially spread to other plants in your garden. Trim away any dead or yellowing leaves and address any specific care needs they may have. 
  2. Repotting houseplants: If your plants have outgrown their current pots or need fresh soil, consider repotting them before the transition. Choose pots with good drainage and use a well-draining potting mix suitable for your specific plant species. Repotting provides fresh nutrients and encourages healthy growth. 
  3. Pruning and grooming: Pruning your houseplants before moving them outdoors can help shape their growth and remove any leggy or unruly branches. Groom the plants by removing any dust, cobwebs, or dead foliage. This enhances their appearance and promotes better photosynthesis. 
Hanging pot plants

Gradual Acclimation to Outdoor Conditions 

Abruptly exposing indoor plants to outdoor elements can be a shock to their system. Instead, opt for a gradual acclimation process that allows them to adjust to the changing environment. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth transition for your plants: 

  1. Start with short exposure: Begin by placing your houseplants in a sheltered outdoor area, such as a covered porch or under a shade tree. Introduce them to the outdoors for a few hours each day, gradually increasing the duration over a week or two. 
  2. Monitor light and temperature: Pay attention to the amount of sunlight your plants receive during this acclimation period. Be mindful of any sudden temperature drops that could harm your plants. Move them indoors or provide temporary protection if needed, especially during cold snaps or frosty nights. 
  3. Adjust watering and humidity: The outdoor environment typically has different humidity levels than indoors. Monitor your plants’ moisture needs carefully and adjust your watering routine accordingly. Ensure that their pots have adequate drainage to prevent waterlogging. 

 Protecting Plants From Frost and Cold Snaps 

Even during the transition period, it’s crucial to protect your plants from unexpected cold snaps or frost, which can be damaging to their tender foliage. Take the following precautions to safeguard your plants: 

  1. Keep an eye on weather forecasts: Stay informed about the weather conditions in your area, especially during early spring when temperature fluctuations are common. Bring your plants indoors or cover them with blankets, frost cloths, or plant covers if frost or cold temperatures are predicted. 
  2. Provide temporary shelter: If your plants are in pots that can be moved, relocate them to a sheltered spot during periods of inclement weather. An unheated greenhouse, covered patio, or even a garage can provide temporary protection until the weather improves. 
  3. Utilise mulch and protective barriers: Apply a layer of organic mulch around the base of your plants to insulate the roots and retain moisture. Consider using frost barriers, such as burlap or straw, to shield your plants from cold winds and provide additional protection. 

Thriving Greenery All Winter Long

Caring for indoor plants in winter requires some extra attention and effort, but the rewards are well worth it. By providing the right conditions, such as proper lighting, temperature, humidity, and watering, you can help your beloved green companions thrive even during the colder months. Remember to adjust your care routine based on the specific needs of each plant species, as they vary in their tolerance to low temperatures. 

indoor plant hire

Caring for indoor plants in winter requires some extra attention and effort, but the rewards are well worth it. By providing the right conditions, such as proper lighting, temperature, humidity, and watering, you can help your beloved green companions thrive even during the colder months. Remember to adjust your care routine based on the specific needs of each plant species, as they vary in their tolerance to low temperatures. 

However, if you find yourself longing for lush greenery and don’t have the space or resources to maintain an indoor garden year-round, there’s a fantastic solution available: Tropical Plant Rentals. With Tropical Plant Rentals, you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of plants without a long-term commitment. 

Tropical Plant Rentals offer a wide variety of stunning plants that can transform any space into a vibrant oasis. Whether you’re planning a special event, sprucing up your office, these rentals provide a convenient and cost-effective option. 

Embrace the winter months as an opportunity to deepen your love for indoor plants, and consider the convenience and allure of Tropical Plant Rentals to bring a touch of the tropics into your life. Don’t let the cold weather dampen your enthusiasm for greenery—explore the possibilities, and let your imagination run wild with the exotic beauty of tropical plants. 

If you’re intrigued by the idea, contact us today to receive a personalised quote. And while you’re at it, be sure to browse our stunning gallery of indoor plant collections that will leave you awe-inspired.