Freestanding TPR Cabinet Green Wall

The TPR Cabinet Green Wall is elegant, slim lined and manufactured in quality fibreglass which can be colour matched to suit your interior styling. Ideal for indoor environments, the TPR Cabinet Green Wall will bring the wow factor to reception areas, walkways, and other high traffic spaces where it can be appreciated by many.

The freestanding TPR Cabinet Green Wall is fully contained and features a water tank, pump and timer for quick and simple irrigation. No fuss. No mess.

Showcasing nature in style, the freestanding Green Wall offers exciting design flexibility as a wide variety of plants can be used in the wall (depending on light levels). Additionally, several walls can be placed alongside one another to achieve a larger Green Wall. The freestanding Green Wall is also available for short term event hire.

Find out More About Green Wall Event Hire Options

TPR Cabinet Green Wall with Poinsettia planting

TPR Cabinet Green Walls with event signage

tpr cabinet green wall
Two TPR Cabinet Green Walls

tpr cabinet green wall
TPR Cabinet Green Wall – perfect for exhibitions

Green Wall Cabinet Without Plants

TPR Cabinet Green Wall with dimensions

Australia's #1 Indoor Plant Hire Company

Over 45 years in the Indoor Plantscape Industry