The Best Low Light Indoor Plants for your Office Space

Low light indoor plants are a fantastic way to lift any space within your office. Any dark space in the office can be enhanced with a plant to add some life and many benefits. Our team of experts can help you choose the best low light indoor plant for your office space. We specialize in plants that can thrive in all types of office environments such as little natural light to no natural light or artificial lighting. Having a dark area doesn’t mean you have to live without beautiful, lush and healthy plants. Having the best low light indoor plants in your space will make your air cleaner and your office brighter, even with low light. Plants can create an inspiring and positive atmosphere which helps establish an uplifting mood with harmony and balance within the office.

Benefits of including Low Light Indoor Plants in your office?

Having one of our expert team assist in selecting the best type of plant to suit your office space is key to getting the outcome you desire. The secret to having healthy indoor plants is matching the variety that is best suited to the lighting in the space.

When selecting the best low light indoor plant for dark places, we can help advise you on the plant that can best suit your office space needs. As different plants require specific needs, we help maintain your plants ensuring your greenery is always lush and healthy. When your plants are happy and healthy, they can help reduce any toxic volatile organic carbons (VOC’s) in your workplace. They also can assist in keeping your staff healthy, mentally and physically.

Should I Hire or Buy a Low Light Indoor Office Plant?

When you are a plant enthusiast, your plants become a part of the office family. So, when it comes to deciding whether to hire or purchase plants, it can be a hard decision to make.


  • Hiring indoor plants is a more economic option
  • We do the maintenance for you
  • Our trained professionals know the best lighting options
  • Our team knows the best watering options specific for the plant
  • We can suggest the best type of plant for your space to ensure that it is stylistically beautiful but also gives the plant the best chance of life.


When you buy you do the plant maintenance yourself

You get to keep the plant!

Ultimately the choice between hiring or buying is yours, but if you are looking for a high level of care for your low light indoor plant, contact us today!

Three Choices for Low Light Indoor Plants in your Office:

If you have been afraid of having plants in your office because you’re worried about there not being enough light, fear not! There are so many great low light indoor plant options for the darker areas of your office space.

Devil’s Ivy – perfect to grow in low lighting

Devil’s Ivy – This plant is perfect to grow in low lighting because it grows vines even in the worst of conditions. This is one of our hanging plants that add such a lovely depth to your office.

Chinese Evergreen – one of the most durable indoor plants and perfect as a low light indoor plan

Chinese Evergreen – This plant is one of the most durable indoor plants and is perfect as a low light indoor plant. It is also low maintenance as it only needs to be fertilised once or twice a year.

Dragon Tree – The spiky leaves that grow upwards give a lovely elevation to any space

Dragon Tree – The spiky leaves that grow upwards give a lovely elevation to any space. Too much sunlight could potentially damage the plant, so it is a perfect low light indoor plant for any dull spaces in your office.

Top Tips for a Low Light Room:

If you are not too sure what kind of light you have, you may want to consider some of this. A south facing room with many windows has high light. A medium light room would be facing east or west. Whereas north facing rooms with no windows are considered low-light rooms. Additionally, if your room has no windows, it might be worth considering leaving lights on for 12 hours a day or even thinking about putting your plants on a rotation. This could look like leaving your low light indoor plants in the room for a few weeks at a time before moving them back into a room that may be better lit.

You can create a beautiful office environment even when it may be a dull space. Choosing a low light indoor plant would be a perfect choice for your office space and there are many options for you to choose from.

If you want more information on our low light indoor plant options, our friendly team would love to have a conversation with you! Contact us today.

Australia's #1 Indoor Plant Hire Company

Over 40 years in the Indoor Plantscape Industry